About Us
How we started, our path along the way, and what we are up to now.

Founded in 2000, we started our journey as a custom business system development company. We worked for customers large, small, and in between. One of those large customers was the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (aka the DFO). They became a long-term customer and our first foray into the world of commercial fishing.
In 2001 we built the first federal government system that allowed for the purchase of anything online - The National Recreational Licensing System (NRLS). It was a success and opened the doors to us working on front line commercial fisheries systems for the DFO. Fast forward to 2008 and many new and upgraded systems for the DFO later, we attended our first ever fisheries conference and learned that a lot of the world's fisheries at the time wished they could have fisheries managed and monitored like the BC Groundfish fisheries we had been working in. We realized we had very specialized knowledge of how those fisheries operated and made up our minds to start our next journey.
We decided to build a comprehensive modular system designed to be used by fishers to collect data that regulations dictated they must, and by government to manage the fisheries using it. Management of the fisheries would include managing the fisher supplied data, performing quota transfers, fleet messaging, issuing licenses, and copious amounts of reporting on the status of the fisheries involved.
By 2010 FACTS™ (Fishing Activity and Catch Tracking System) was born and in use in Groundfish fisheries here in BC, as well as Groundfish fisheries in the Northeast US. We have added and now proudly serve the Department of Natural Resources fisheries staff in Maryland (2012) and Michigan (2017) with large scale implementations of FACTS™.
As this site is about our corporate history, if you would like to know more about FACTS™ and what we are up to these days you may want to check out our product site for FACTS™
Kind words from great people we've worked for.
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you!
3016 Orillia Street
Victoria, BC Canada
V9A 1Y8
+1 250-920-8830